Interesting facts about Italy


Find out what makes our list of fun facts about Italy below:

  • Romans love cats, so much so that a new law condemns any person killing a cat to a 10,000 Euro fine & up to 3 years in jail!
  • The city of Pompeii was completely buried after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79.
  • Did you know that Rome is further north than New York?
  • The Sardinian islands are famous for their “witches” who make health potions for local people. The “witches” are usually women and they use a secret language that they pass on to their daughters.
  • Naples gave birth to the pizza around 1860.
  • The average Italian consumes 26 gallons of wine and 25 kilograms of pasta a year.
  • Italy has more hotel rooms than any other country in Europe.
  • Italyis home to more UNESCO world heritage sites than any other country in the world.
  • The national animal of Italy is the Italian Wolf.
  • Venice has over 400 footbridges.
  • In 2007 an Italian dog found a truffle weighing 3.3 pounds which was later sold for a world record $333,000.
  • At its height in A.D. 117, the Roman Empire stretched from Portugal in the West to Syria in the east, and from Britain in the North to the North African deserts across the Mediterranean. It covered 2.3 million miles and had a population of 120 million people.

Do you have any fun facts about Italy? If so, let us know in the comments below.